Phone:(880-2)-55010300 Fax:(880-2)-8113010, 9144030

Former Micro Finance Programme of Dhaka Ahsania Mission

DAM Foundation for Economic Development

[An Institution of Dhaka Ahsania Mission]

Our Inspiration

Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.)


Financial Overview 2023-2024

DFED’s major sources of revolving loan fund are Loans from PKSF, Loans from commercial Bank, group member’s savings fund, capital fund and Others Fund.  During FY 2023-24, profit margin of DFED stands at 15.27% of total income amounting to 1571.99 million BDT. Out of total income, 96.61% comes from service charge. Expenditure analysis of FY 2023-24 shows that four major fields of expense were for operating expenses 14%, financial expenses 21%, 43% expenses were to meet administrative expenses and 23% for other expenses. DFED growth in terms of financial turnover of last five years shows a steady position creating a sound base for future organizational development.